Shakira’s sons hate “Barbie” 2024

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In a recent interview, international music sensation Shakira opened up about a surprising revelation regarding her sons’ reaction to a popular movie. Milan and Sasha, her two sons, expressed strong dislike and discomfort with the portrayal of gender roles in the ‘Barbie’ movie. Their reaction shed light on broader themes of gender representation in pop culture, sparking a nuanced discussion about empowerment, feminism, and the impact of media on societal perceptions.

Shakira’s point of view


In an Allure profile and cover story, when the Colombian pop icon was asked her thoughts on the Oscar-winning film “Barbie “she said “My sons absolutely hated it. They felt that it was emasculating. And I agree, to a certain extent.”

She added, “I’m raising two boys. I want ’em to feel powerful too [while] respecting women. I like pop culture when it attempts to empower women without robbing men of their possibility to be men, to also protect and provide,”

Shakira further explained her statement adding “I believe in giving women all the tools and the trust that we can do it all without losing our essence, without losing our femininity. I think that men have a purpose in society and women have another purpose as well. We complement each other, and that complement should not be lost.”

The interviewer, Patricia Alfonso Tortolani, expressed surprise at Shakira’s perspective, asking “Just because a woman can do it all doesn’t mean she should?

She responded by suggesting  “Why not share the load with people who deserve to carry it, who have a duty to carry it as well?”

Shakira’s sons’ reaction to the ‘Barbie’ movie sparks a meaningful conversation about gender representation in media. Her nuanced agreement with her sons reflects a broader call for balanced and inclusive storytelling that empowers both genders. As pop culture continues to evolve, Shakira’s insights provide valuable perspective on navigating the complexities of feminism, empowerment, and gender roles in entertainment.

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