Remembering Taylor Swift’s School Days: Insights from Her Cherished Teachers

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Taylor Swift’s latest album, “The Tortured Poets Department,” has sparked widespread attention, particularly due to what appears to be a song targeting Kim Kardashian. Many fans speculate that Swift included a “diss track” aimed at Kardashian in this new album.

One of the tracks titled ‘thanK you aIMee’ from Swift’s 11th studio album subtly hints at a connection to Kardashian, as the capital letters in the song title spell out the name ‘KIM.’ The song delves into a fictional narrative, focusing on a feud involving Swift and a woman named Aimee from her hometown.

In the song ‘thanK you aIMee,’ Taylor Swift portrays Aimee as someone who was once a bully but later gained fame and recognition. The chorus of the song includes lyrics like “All that time you were throwin’ punches, I was buildin’ somethin’,” which Swift fans on the website Genius interpret as a reflection of Kim Kardashian’s attempt to derail Swift’s career during a past scandal. Fans theorize that this attempt backfired and actually elevated Swift to a higher level of fame.


Taylor Swift’s teacher’s reaction

In anrecent an interview with PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -Taylor Swift’s teachers from elemantary school Barbara Kolvek, a retired music teacher from Wyndcroft School, fondly recalled Swift’s passion for writing poetry and music. “She always was writing poetry, always. Even in music class, even when she shouldn’t,” Kolvek reminisced. “I would say how proud I was of her and that she has never lost her focus and she’s never lost the real person that she is,” Kolvek said. “She’s always been very honest and open, and I admire that in her.”

Remembering Taylor Swift's School Days: Insights from Her Cherished Teachers
Remembering Taylor Swift’s School Days: Insights from Her Cherished Teachers 📷:PHILADELPHIA (CBS)

Heather Brown, who taught Swift in third grade, echoed this sentiment, highlighting Swift’s special quality that drew people to her. “Taylor’s quality was just being she was one of those students where people just drew to,” Brown remarked.

“Everything she touches turns to gold. And I’m just so excited to see what comes next,” Brown said.He added , “When she comes out on stage and everyone’s screaming ‘Taylor,’ it’s like, oh my gosh, like I was her teacher!”


Kolvek and Brown expressed immense pride in Swift’s achievements, with Kolvek even suggesting she may have sparked Swift’s early interest in music. “I feel like maybe I gave her a little spark or encouragement to do what she was doing,” Kolvek shared.

Both teachers have maintained connections with Swift over the years, sending messages and sharing in her successes, symbolizing the lasting impact educators can have on their students’ lives

As Taylor Swift’s career continues to flourish, her teachers remain steadfast in their admiration and support. Their insights into her early years offer a glimpse into the journey of a young girl with a passion for music who transformed into a global superstar. Perhaps, as Ethan, a former student, playfully suggested, Taylor might even sing at his wedding someday, showcasing the enduring connections she creates


As Taylor Swift’s career continues to flourish, her teachers remain steadfast in their admiration and support. Their insights into her early years offer a glimpse into the journey of a young girl with a passion for music who transformed into a global superstar. Perhaps, as Ethan, a former student, playfully suggested, Taylor might even sing at his wedding someday, showcasing the enduring connections she creates.

As Taylor Swift’s career continues to soar, two of her former teachers have expressed their immense pride in her achievements, emphasizing that they couldn’t be prouder as she grows and succeeds on a larger scale.

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