Jennifer Garner’s Irresistible Creamed Corn Recipe: A Summer Side You Can’t Miss! /2024

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Jennifer Garner’s Instagram feed is a delightful blend of joy and fun, capturing the hearts of her followers with every post. Beyond her renowned acting career, which includes beloved roles in “Alias,” “13 Going on 30,” and “Dallas Buyers Club,” Jennifer has showcased another of her talents through her charming and relatable #PretendCookingShow Reels.

These segments reveal her culinary skills and bring a personal touch to her social media presence. In her latest “episode,” Jennifer teams up with her mom to prepare a family favorite: creamed corn. This simple yet delicious recipe requires only five ingredients, and the mother-daughter dynamic makes the cooking process even more enjoyable. Here’s a closer look at how to make “Grandmom Corn” and some tips to perfect this summer side dish.

The Making of “Grandmom Corn”

The video begins with Garner’s mom demonstrating how to remove the kernels of corn from the cob. Garner’s playful critique of her mom’s technique adds a touch of humor, highlighting the charming relationship between them. Eventually, Jennifer takes over, ensuring all kernels are safely removed. The next step is scraping the cobs to extract the sweet, milky juice, a task Jennifer and her mom share. This juice, combined with the kernels, is the secret to the dish’s creamy texture.

Once the kernels and juices are transferred to a skillet, a small amount of water is added. Jennifer’s mom then incorporates butter, a little slab at a time, until it melts completely. The addition of sugar, salt, and pepper seasons the corn perfectly. To thicken the liquid, a mixture of flour and milk is added, creating a rich, creamy consistency. After a final stir and taste test, the creamed corn is ready to serve.

Garner’s Mom’s Biggest Tips

1. Don’t Cut the Corn Too Deeply: According to Garner’s mom, the key to perfect creamed corn is to remove just the tips of the kernels, leaving some of the kernel attached to the cob. This technique ensures a better texture and prepares you for the next crucial step.

2. Scrape Out All the Juice: With the kernel tips removed, it’s time to scrape out all the creamy liquid from the cob. This step is best done over a bowl to catch every drop of the flavorful juice. While a large chef’s knife can be used, Garner opts for a regular dinner knife, which works just as well.

3. Add Butter in Small Pieces: Instead of adding butter all at once, Garner’s mom recommends cutting it into small pieces. This allows the butter to melt faster and more evenly, enhancing the dish’s creamy texture.

4. Add Flour and Milk to Thicken: To achieve the ultimate creamy consistency, Garner’s mom uses a slurry made with ½ cup milk and 2 tablespoons of all-purpose flour. She adds about half of this mixture to the pan, simmering it until the creamed corn reaches the desired thickness. The rest can be added if needed.

Modifications for a Healthier Twist

While the traditional recipe is delicious, a few modifications can make it even more nutritious without sacrificing flavor:

  • Salt: Use a light hand when adding salt. Start with ¼ teaspoon and adjust as needed. This prevents the dish from becoming too salty.
  • Sugar: If the corn is naturally sweet, you might skip the added sugar altogether.
  • Butter Substitution: To reduce saturated fat, substitute some or all of the butter with extra-virgin olive oil.
  • Dairy-Free Version: For a dairy-free option, use light coconut milk instead of regular milk. Our Coconut Creamed Corn recipe, which includes chopped cilantro, lime juice, and crushed red pepper, offers a delightful twist on this classic dish.

The Joy of Cooking Together

This episode of Jennifer Garner’s #PretendCookingShow is more than just a recipe demonstration; it’s a heartwarming glimpse into her relationship with her mom. The playful banter and shared memories bring a personal touch to the cooking process, making the final dish even more special.

Whether you’re a fan of Garner’s acting or her cooking, this creamed corn recipe is a must-try. It’s easy to make, requires only a few ingredients, and is perfect for summer gatherings. Plus, with the tips and modifications provided, you can tailor it to suit your dietary preferences.

In summary, Jennifer Garner’s creamed corn is a simple yet flavorful dish that’s sure to become a favorite in your household. Give it a try and enjoy the sweet, creamy taste of summer, just like Jennifer and her family do.

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