Throwback: The Shocking Breakup of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie: What Went Wrong?2016

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Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, once Hollywood’s golden couple, shocked the world with their sudden breakup in 2016. Known for their glamorous red carpet appearances, philanthropic efforts, and blended family of six children, their split seemed to come out of nowhere. This detailed blog post explores the timeline of their relationship, the events leading up to their separation, and the aftermath of their highly publicized divorce. Through a thorough examination, we aim to uncover what really went wrong between Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.

The Beginning: A Hollywood Love Story Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie

Meeting on the Set of “Mr. & Mrs. Smith”

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie first met in 2004 on the set of “Mr. & Mrs. Smith

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie first met in 2004 on the set of “Mr. & Mrs. Smith.” At the time, Brad was married to Jennifer Aniston, but rumors of an on-set romance between him and Angelina quickly surfaced. Both actors initially denied any romantic involvement, insisting they were just friends.

The End of Brangelina and Jennifer Aniston’s Marriage

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie wedding

In January 2005, Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston announced their separation, finalizing their divorce in October of that year. Shortly after, Brad and Angelina were spotted together, seemingly confirming their relationship. This led to significant media scrutiny and public interest in the new couple, dubbed “Brangelina.”

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie Building a Family Together

Brad and Angelina’s relationship quickly grew serious, with Angelina adopting two children, Maddox and Zahara, whom Brad later adopted as well. In 2006, Angelina gave birth to their first biological child, Shiloh. The couple continued to expand their family, adopting Pax from Vietnam and welcoming twins Knox and Vivienne in 2008.

2. The Peak of Brangelina’s Relationship

Humanitarian Efforts

One of the defining aspects of Brad and Angelina’s relationship was their shared passion for humanitarian work. Angelina, a UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador, and Brad, co-founder of the Make It Right Foundation, dedicated much of their time and resources to global causes. Together, they traveled to conflict zones, advocated for refugees, and donated millions to various charities.

Red Carpet Appearances

Brangelina’s red carpet appearances were iconic, with the couple often stealing the show at major events like the Oscars and the Cannes Film Festival. Their glamorous and affectionate displays of affection endeared them to fans and solidified their status as Hollywood royalty.

The Jolie-Pitt Foundation

In 2006, Brad and Angelina established the Jolie-Pitt Foundation, focusing on international humanitarian projects, conservation efforts, and community development. Their philanthropic endeavors further cemented their image as a power couple committed to making a positive impact on the world.

3. Cracks in the Facade: Early Signs of Trouble

Busy Schedules and Career Demands

Both Brad and Angelina maintained demanding careers, often spending significant time apart due to filming schedules. While they supported each other’s professional endeavors, the constant separation put a strain on their relationship. Balancing their careers with their large family added to the pressure.

Parenting Differences


Raising six children is no small feat, and Brad and Angelina reportedly had differing parenting styles. Brad was said to favor a more traditional approach, while Angelina embraced a more relaxed and unconventional method. These differences occasionally led to conflicts and disagreements.

Substance Abuse Allegations

In the years leading up to their split, rumors circulated about Brad’s alleged substance abuse issues. Reports suggested that his drinking and marijuana use were sources of tension between him and Angelina. Brad later admitted to struggling with alcohol during their marriage, acknowledging that it played a role in their problems.

4. The Breakup: A Sudden and Shocking Split

The Divorce Announcement

On September 20, 2016, Angelina Jolie filed for divorce from Brad Pitt, citing irreconcilable differences. The news sent shockwaves through Hollywood and the public, as the couple had always appeared solid and deeply in love. Angelina requested primary custody of their six children, setting the stage for a contentious legal battle.

The Plane Incident

One of the most significant events leading to the divorce was an incident on a private plane in September 2016. Reports emerged that Brad had an altercation with their eldest son, Maddox, during the flight. The incident prompted an investigation by the FBI and the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services. Brad was eventually cleared of any wrongdoing, but the incident marked a turning point in the couple’s relationship.

Media Frenzy and Public Reactions

The media frenzy surrounding their split was intense, with numerous reports and rumors circulating about the reasons behind the breakup. Fans and celebrities alike expressed their shock and sadness over the end of Brangelina. The public scrutiny added to the already high tensions between Brad and Angelina.

5. The Aftermath: Legal Battles and Moving Forward

Custody Battle

The primary focus of the divorce proceedings was the custody arrangement for their six children. Angelina initially sought sole physical custody, while Brad requested joint custody. The custody battle was lengthy and often contentious, with both sides accusing each other of various transgressions. In 2018, they reached a temporary custody agreement, allowing Brad more time with the children.

Financial Settlements

In addition to the custody battle, Brad and Angelina had to navigate the division of their substantial assets. Their combined net worth, including properties and business ventures, complicated the process. They eventually reached a financial settlement, though the details remain private.

Brad’s Journey to Sobriety

Following the divorce, Brad publicly acknowledged his struggles with alcohol and committed to getting sober. He attended therapy and joined Alcoholics Anonymous, crediting these steps with helping him heal and improve his relationship with his children.

Angelina’s Focus on Family and Work

Angelina continued to prioritize her children and her humanitarian work post-divorce. She also remained active in the film industry, both as an actress and a director. Despite the personal challenges, she maintained a strong public presence and continued to advocate for important causes.

6. Lessons and Reflections

Impact on Their Children

The divorce had a significant impact on Brad and Angelina’s children. The public nature of their split and the subsequent custody battle were undoubtedly difficult for the family. Both Brad and Angelina have expressed their commitment to co-parenting and ensuring their children’s well-being remains a top priority.

The Complexity of Celebrity Relationships

The breakup of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie highlights the complexities of maintaining a relationship under the intense scrutiny of the public eye. Their story serves as a reminder that even seemingly perfect relationships can face significant challenges and hardships.

Moving Forward

Both Brad and Angelina have continued to move forward with their lives post-divorce. Brad’s career experienced a resurgence, with critically acclaimed roles in films like “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.” Angelina has focused on her directorial projects and her humanitarian efforts. While their relationship may have ended, their individual journeys continue to evolve.


The shocking breakup of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie in 2016 marked the end of an era for one of Hollywood’s most iconic couples. Their relationship, filled with highs and lows, captivated the public and left a lasting impact on both their personal lives and careers. By examining the factors that contributed to their split and the aftermath, we gain a deeper understanding of what went wrong and how they have moved forward. As Brad and Angelina continue their separate paths, their story remains a compelling chapter in the world of celebrity relationships.

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